Welcome to Remote Learning Resources at WPS
At Warringa Park School we understand how difficult learning from home can be. To help we have created this website filled with resources and learning activities which can be easily accessed to provide learning opportunities from home.
Below you will see a button which will take you straight to our sample “At Home” timetables. These timetables can be used to structure your day. The timetables are made using visual images which are the same as those used in the classroom.
Below this are folders for different subject areas. Within these subjects, resources have been categorised into learning activities which have a similar theme. It is not expected for students to complete all of these activities. During a ‘reading’ session with your student, it is recommended that you go into the reading folder and select one learning activity. Alternate to this, you may choose to visit the “Other Activities” tab where you can see a range of different activities which are still purposeful in your students learning.